20 Reasons to Play Sports in 2020

Posted by Kelaine Conochan on Dec 16, 2019 10:49:40 AM

You want to get back in the game, but you keep second-guessing and doubting yourself. Am I good enough? Am I too rusty? Will it be awkward?

Just stop. You're plenty good enough. That rust will shake right off. And there are THOUSANDS of people just like you who meet and become lifelong teammates and friends through playing in a ZogSports league.

Sometimes it's hard to take the first step. So we're making it easy.

here are 20 reasons to come out and play sports in 2020.

1. Athletes are hot.

Yup, I'm coming out swinging here. Want to find yourself a hottie? Well, they're out here,  literally playing the field.

2. Sports are the most fun way to get active.

Just admit it. You don't REALLY want to spend 45 minutes on a treadmill hating yourself when you could be playing instead.

3.Better connections than happy hour.

It can be so hard to meet people, and let's be real: going to a bar doesn't make it that much easier or less awkward. But you'll have a full season to get to know your teammates, to build trust and make plays. And who knows? You may just win a title together.

4. Get away from your phone.

You already spend too much time looking at screens instead of setting them. Playing sports forces you to step away from your phone and be in the moment with your teammates. It's just plain healthy.

5. You can't win on a Peloton.

Sorry, y'all. No matter how hard you pedal, you can't be a champion on a stationary bike, in a yoga studio, or at some expensive workout class. Sports are for winners. PERIOD.

6. Learn new skills.

Perfect your Eurostep. Attempt your first step-over. Try hitting to opposite field. Test out your overhand serve. Whatever you want to learn, your teammates will be there to back you up.

7. Be in the moment.

It's so easy to feel stressed out about what happened in the office today or the big presentation you have tomorrow. But when you're in the game, you just have to keep your eye on the ball and be present with your teammates.




8. Winning feels amazing.

There's really nothing better than the feeling of victory, especially when you share it with your teammates.

9. CreatE memories with great people.

Every week, you'll have the chance to create memories on the field, at happy hour, or recapping the game highlights on your group text chain. 

10. A chance to show off your skills.

I've heard that if you don't use it, you lose it. So, maybe you haven't played in a while, but there's still a little bit of magic in your cauldron. Get out there and show it off.


11. Do something fun, new, and different.

You can't keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. You want to have more fun in 2020? You want to get out there and be active? Sports are the answer.

12. Reduce stress.

Team sports are scientifically proven to reduce depression, anxiety, and stress. It's literally called playing. What more do you need?

13. Get your coworkers together for something fun.

Want to be your office hero? Bring the team together outside the office with a corporate team. Added bonus — you'll get to play, but the company will pay for it!

14. See your friends once a week.

It really seems like everyone is so busy all the time. But having a scheduled game once a week makes it easy to see the people you care about.


Get hyped for the big game. Because we're keeping score, and someone is going home with the championship title this season. And — big time bonus — the winning team gets to determine which charity gets a donation.

16. Meet that special someone.

You get the chance to meet dozens of people — on your team and across the league — every season. You'll get the chance to impress them in the game, and can break the ice with a simple recap. Hey, nice game. 


Even if you're playing a more casual sport like kickball, chances are, you still like to win. Sports are the best outlet for your desire for healthy competition. And we offer multiple divisions, so you can find the right skill and competitive level for what you're looking for.

18. Action shots.

Seeing friends every week. Playing your best. Enjoying post-game happy hour. Looking for good content for your Insta? Capture the game highlights or snap a post-game team photo to hold on to the memories.

19. More fun, social, and ENGAGING than going to the gym.

Going to the gym or workout classes can be pretty isolating. There's no real chance for interaction and building connections. Playing on a team forces you to work together, and there's nothing more unifying and gratifying than a great team win!


This last one is the most important. Look. You know you want to play. But just as importantly, WE want you to play. There is a team out here just waiting for you to sign up. So stop waiting around. Pick your sport, find a league that fits your schedule, and we'll take care of the rest.

Can't wait to see you out there!

Ready to sign up? Visit zogsports.com and find the sport and league best for you.

Or, if you have questions and want to learn more about ZogSports, fill out the form below and we'll help you out ASAP.

Topics: Why we play, Inspiration

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